Thursday, June 23, 2005

Bush To Get Three Supreme Court Nominees?

So looks like Bush will have at least one if not three appointments to the Supreme Court. Powerline has a good blog on the topic

Ted Will Qualify Them

I love Mad Ass Ted's statement:

"It doesn't take much to get our consent," Kennedy said. "All the president has to do is seek out his preferred non-ideological choices, ask us about them, and listen to our answers."

Listen to our answer, as in who you approve of? That's funny..............Well Senator Ted, let me clear a few things up for you. First your not the President and the President gets to appoint who he wants. Second, you are a minority party in both the House and Senate. Actually you are a minority party falling to pieces. And third, even if you Dutch Pirate the nominee, the Senate has the raw numbers to end the Fili and move on with the nominee. I think Ted and the socialist democrats should really gain some perspective before we get into the first Bush Supreme Court Justice appointment............
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