Sunday, May 29, 2005

Paul Krugman's Insane Rants........

Paul Krugman is calling for the second new deal and another depression. Krugman is more than a bazaaro socialist, Krugman I think is truly insane.

Krugman Longs For The Depression Days

Only Crazy Paul could find a silver lining in the resounding defeat that the DNC had handed to them in November. PK ignores the reelection of Bush by 52% of the vote, Senate pick-ups including Dachel's, and House seat pick-up and claims that at the local level Dems have a mandate. Huh? Well remember this is Paul Krugman talking here. If he does not like the facts and it does not support his stories agenda, then he just makes it up like it appears a lot of the MSM do.

Krugman is so blinded with hate for the right of center people in this country that have taken control of it that I think he would welcome a depression to push an even more socialist agenda. No doubt about that in my mind. The typical defeatist attitude. Paul take your medicine and stay away from sharpe objects......................................
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