Saturday, May 21, 2005

Lee Purchase of Post Dispatch & Liberal Requirement

Here is the Pravda Post purchase agreement with Lee

Liberal Contract Requirments Selling a lie to your readers..................

So is this unbelievable? The Pravda Post admits that they are ultra liberal and want that in their new coverage. A biased newscoverage that makes the paper a political hack mouth piece and untrustworthy. How could anyone trust a newsource like the Post for their view of the world, nation, state and city after knowing this? Well if you want to be lied to and have a bias reinforced then I guess it is great. If you want real news with a balanced presentation of the news and the events of the day then the Post does not fit that bill.

Editor "Ellen" continues to saturate the Post with liberal bias in a sad and a leaning that is insulting to anyone of above an average intellectual ability. Tell me what I want to hear and reinforce my biased view of the world is the code of the ultra liberal Pravda Post reader. Truth, no I don't want to hear that because it will turn my apple cart side ways and expose the bias of the MSM. Lie to me and make me feal warm and fuzzy and good.....

The Pravda Post ( St. Louis Post Dispatch ) is the most liberal newspaper in America. It is a rubber stamp to the socialist liberal mind-set. Feed your mind within the limits of your own convictions if that is all you are able to comprehend..........................
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