Saturday, May 21, 2005

Guardian Polution On Saddam

The ultra liberal UK press says that Saddam lives in "bleak" conditions

UK Liberal Crap

OK, so where is the story? Seriously where is it and what is the story? A Dictator and his top staff live in conditions that are less than hotel luxurious, and I'm suppose to be upset? Come on.............................

Looks to me from the underwear shots that Saddam has it pretty good from the surroundings in the photo. Mass grave after mass grave that we find show that's better treatment that he and his gang deserve. I'll give you one shot at identifying what they would have chosen if given the chance.

I don't think 80% of the Iraqi population will have issues with where Saddam is housed, his condition and him washing his own clothes in his underwear. I think that they have much stronger measures in mind for him in the coming days................................
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