Friday, February 23, 2007

Illinois Had No Indians

Reference to the Univeristy of Illinois decisiong to ban the Indian/Native American mascot:

So I guess there were never Indians in this state of Illinois which gets it's name from Indians (of course, "Native American's" today under the PC banner). Huh, that is one wide sweeping politically correct eraser that is being wielded and is scary just like a "book burning session".................What history will be erased next?

Perhaps next in line, renaming all the states that have Indian names ( because of course we referred to Native American's as Indians back then so States were given "Indian Names" - therefore all would have to be renamed to be PC to erase the inappropriate "Indian" history - scrub it scrub it scrub it):

Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Wisconsin, Wyoming.....................

State Names

Watch out Indiana things don't look good for you, given obvious reasons (Suggested new State name: Nativeamerica?)..................You could always go with a name that is "really offensive & politically incorrect" to Anglo Americans (penitence for former sins) like "Hoosiers"..................Sorry "Fighting Irish" is already taken by the golden dome university in your state Nativeamerica's. The folks down in Bloomington probably would not be good with the whole "Fighting Irish" thing anyway......................

They are talking it over on the STLToday blog

STL Blog

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