Thursday, November 30, 2006

Time for Iraqis to Demonstrate Self Determination

American forces will begin leaving Iraq soon. Reuters reports that it will happen sooner than later:

President Bush will take weeks rather than months to start making changes in Iraq policy after he receives high-level recommendations on the conduct of the war, his national security adviser said on Thursday. Speaking after Bush held crisis talks with Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in Jordan, Stephen Hadley, Bush's national security adviser, said: "There is a real sense of urgency but there is not a sense of panic."......................Bush spoke after reports an independent, bipartisan group will recommend the U.S. military shift from a combat to a support role in Iraq but will not propose a timetable for withdrawal.....................

I have been very supportive of the efforts in Iraq and of President Bush. I think that removing Saddam was a good thing. I would have made the same decision if I was in the President's position at the time in question given the intelligence that was in play. I also think that a democracy in Iraq would be a very positive thing in the region and has been worth investing American resources and lives to attempt to achieve. That said I think it's time for us to turn things over to the Iraqis.

This change comes from a conversations I had with a member of my family who's opinion I deeply respect on all military matters. He is an uncle (actually a 65 year old second cousin who I call uncle) who served in Vietnam as a helicopter gunner and received the purple heart during his service. He is a no nonsense man who is very wise on all military matters in my opinion given his life experiences and he was very bullish on going to Iraq and Afghanistan after 911. However, he said from day one we should go to both countries and take care of the business that needs to be taken care of, win a war, and leave. He said we should send our diplomats over to deliver this message after we killed as many bad guys as we could: "If things don't change and you don't get rid of the remaining bad guys on your own, we will be back and kill a bunch more of them, and those who support them". He suggested we repeat the same model if needed, as many times as needed, only on a more devastating scale each time we had to come back.

His logic of course is that soldiers are warriors who fight wars and they are not policeman, peace keepers or nation builders. I argued back at that time that we owed it the Iraqis to help prop-up their new democracy. We said it would not work unless they truly wanted it and fought for it. I countered that they did............I see his wisdom now............

Do Iraqis want democracy? Sure a great deal do per the polls on the subject, however it's one thing to want something it's a totally different thing to invest completely into ones goal to ensure it is achieved. I have waited patiently like many Americans for the resolve to surface from the Iraqis to win their own democracy but aside from an encouraging story here or there, I have not seen it. I can't think of one country that is a current thriving democracy who was handed the sacred gift of democracy from another country. Democracy is self earned and by being earned by the collective people it holds them together no matter how bad things might get at times. It unites them and makes them a collective people regardless of differences and strife. Iraqis have a decision to make and then a very short window of time to act if they do decide that democracy is their primary goal.

It's time to bring the brave men and woman of the American military home. They have done much and achieved great things. They should be proud of what they have achieved. That said we have done pretty much all we can do at this point. It's time to turn this over to Iraqis and the question of "self determination" must be answered as it only can be by them.....................

The concerns about what happens in the region if we leave are legitimate concerns and serious ones. The same logic would apply to everyone in the region in my opinion that applies to Iraq. We should tell the Iraqis this as we leave: "If you don't get rid of the bad guys we will be back to take care of things again. We won't be building schools or power plants, we will be killing bad guys and then leaving. We will be in and out in about two months and if needed, will come back and do it again and each time we have to repeat that step the worse it will be".........................It's time for Iraq and the Iraqi people to decide their future by actions as well as the region itself.......................


Another military veteran who's opinion I respect greatly feels differently about the coming "Baker Iraqi Study Group" report and needed actions, Greyhawk @ Mudvillegazette and is blogging on the topic................

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