Thursday, March 02, 2006

Ruth Ginsburg Sleeping Through It

Unless Ruth Bader Ginsburg suffers from narcolepsy and is getting treatment for that, sounds like she should retire per World Net Daily:

According to the Associated Press, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg snoozed during oral arguments today over political redistricting in Texas. The subject matter was extremely technical," notes AP writer Gina Holland, "and near the end of the argument Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg dozed in her chair...........

From discredited and fool reporter Dana Milbanks (not reported to be dressed in hunter orange):

At first, she appeared to be reading something in her lap. But after a while, it became clear: Ginsburg was napping on the bench. By Bloomberg News's reckoning -- not denied by a court spokeswoman -- Ginsburg's snooze lasted a quarter of an hour.................

Time to retire Justice Ginsburg..............When you sleep through hearings it is apparent that you do not have the ability to perform your function as required.........