Tuesday, January 31, 2006

When Is 18,000 Not Really 18,000 Lacy Clay?

Per the Post Dispatch Lacy Clay said this:

To date, we have suffered over 18,000 American casualties..................

What an accurate but false offering............Here are the facts per the DOD:

Total Deaths: 2,242
KIA: 1,753
Non-Hostile: 489

Wounded in Action Did Not Return: 7,683

Wounded in Action Returned: 8,923

47% (8857) of the 18,844 casualties returned to duty, 53% (9987)could not return.

Every person serving in our military is a hero and everyone who is injured or killed, are true and great heroes for protecting our freedom. However throwing out 18,000 plus casualties in a press statement is a very misleading statement by Mr. Clay in my view, without giving some qualification.

The Post Dispatch is having an active discussion about this matter on the blog if you are interested......................