Sunday, July 31, 2005

Jimmy Carter Hates America

I have participated in Habit For Humanity for about five years now. We have our next project this coming Saturday in STL. I plan to wear an anti-Carter t-shirt to express my discontent of this dumb shit:

Dumb Ass Carter

Carter is a Jane Fonda kind of sort of man. Is he really a man...............................................................

Habitat for Humanity is the most worthy organization I have ever been involved with. Building a "house" for someone who has no house is very rewarding. To bad a socialist defeatist ex-president who through his weakness ushered in the terrorism we now face, is associated with the charity.

Carter should remove himself from any affiliation with Habitat for Humanity, to avoid giving it a soiled eye. The American's dying today are dying because of the Carter defeatist policy that unleashed this hell....................................
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