Monday, June 06, 2005

Soros Wants Political US Political Influence And Says So

This article sounds more like it when exposing George Soros for who he is and what motivates his political actions

Would Be King

Soros wants to have easy access to those in power and ownership of them if possible. His actions in the former Soviet Union prove that he spends money to gain influence for economic purposes.

A few quotes from the Front Page article that I found telling

I like to influence policy, Soros told television talk show host Charlie Rose in 1995. I was not able to get to George Bush. But now I think I have succeeded with my influence. I do now have great access in [the Clinton] administration. There is no question about this. We actually work together as a team. Forget NATO now. Soros went on to brag to Time magazine in 1997 that, my influence has continued to grow and I do have access to most people I want to have access to.

Except Bush 43

Another interesting point

Strobe Talbott, Clinton's Deputy Secretary of State, called Soros a national resource indeed, a national treasure and described the billionaire as a sort of shadow arm of the State Department. I would say that it [Soros foreign policy] is not identical to the foreign policy of the U.S. government, but it's compatible with it, Talbott told The New Yorker. It's like working with a friendly, allied, independent entity, if not a government. We try to synchronize our approach to the former Communist countries with Germany, France, Great Britain, and with George Soros. When Soros opened his own D.C. office to be close to the action, one of his minions explained that it would serve as his State Department.

There are connections between the anti-Global gangs view and what it would appear that Clinton created with Soros.

But the most telling to me so far as to why Soros is Anti George W is here

One of the reasons why Soros might hate Bush the Younger so much is that he spurned Soros advances while his father was in power. Harken Energy was partially owned by George Soros when the company bought George W. Bush' Spectrum 7 in 1986. Queried about the reasoning behind this buyout by Nation reporter David Corn (himself author of a best-selling Bush-bashing book), Soros claimed the deal was about influencing American policy: Bush was supposed to bring in the [Persian Gulf] connection, Soros said. But it didn't come to anything. We were buying political influence. That was it. Bush was not much of a businessman. [emphasis added.] Admitting to purchasing political influence is an odd tack for a proponent of campaign finance reform to take.

I'm going to keep researching to educate myself further, but I'm feeling more comfortable that my hunch about money driving the Soros interest in American politics
is motivated by making money and the Bush administration does not fit his business plan.

It will be interest to learn more details about the King Of Eastern Europe and the man that it appears that Clinton created......................
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