Friday, June 10, 2005

Confidence In Media At All Time Low - 28%

This comes as absolutely no surprise

Gallup Confidence Poll

Gallup Poll Summary Confidence In Media:

Those having a "great deal" or "quite a lot" of confidence in newspapers dipped from 30% to 28% in one year, the same total for television. The previous low for newspapers was 29% in 1994. Since 2000, confidence in newspapers has declined from 37% to 28%, and TV from 36% to 28%, according to the poll.

So 72% of Americans don't have confidence in newspapers or TV (MSM). That’s not a good stat. The category with the highest respondents was those who had “some” confidence at 46% of the sample. When your product is to share and inform your customers with news and information and 72% are not confident in the product, you have serious problems.

I would have responded in the 24% category of “very little” confidence…………………………
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