Friday, May 06, 2005

What British Conservatives Must Do - Hugh

Hugh posed the question on his post of the importance and need for a viable Conservative Leader to succeed Michael Howard in the British Tory Party. I agree it is a very important question and decision, and unfortunately not an easy one. I think that it will be very difficult to find a new "Iron Lady' in today's Britain. Here is why.............

First, Britain and Europe have become Socialist Democratic. Old Europe has a socialist democratic model that they are living within and embrace. They are not the Europeans that your grandfather liberated. They could not be more different from us since 1776..........................

More importantly, Tony Blair and the Liberals have been able to move to the center on one "key" political issue. As bad as the Brits took it out on Blair for being part of the "Willing" on Iraq in yesterdays election, his actions diffused the question of the liberal British Labor party being weak on national defense. The Tory party had no traction at all on that issue, and I have to say rightfully so from Blair's actions. He had to put skin in the game, he owed us that and had to be Ally #1, and the Brits have many more of those due. But the fact is that Blair did something that was not politically correct in the socialist democratic country of Britain, and he gained the advantage that has been a mainstay of the Tory party. Blair and the liberal Labor party could not be viewed as soft on defense in this election.

The Labor party members do not truly agree that this is the action they should be engaged in, but Blair has given them a wink and a nod and told them, "trust me on this politically" and they have largely come along. He was right and it gained him another term, however that is where the first clue that Hugh seeks lives. There is no stomach for or support of a continued pro-military positions or preventative action on the Brit side. They will move decidedly more anti-military over the next two years and to the socialist side. If I was the Tory leader I would hold the touch high as a Hawk and pledge myself and my party to protecting the British people from the coming attacks. And I think that there will without a doubt be coming attacks in the European continent. I do not wish any attacks on them and certainly not a 911 type experience to wake them up, but I think that Europe will probably be the place of the next "big" terrorist action. Nothing like a 911 experience to get even a liberal in touch with the first priority, protection of your fellow citizens regardless of the cost. I don't think that the Liberal - Socialist alliance will hold the Blair line. That I think is the most important and critical thing for the Tory party to do, regain their political place on "strong military" and be prepared to act.

The second clue Hugh seeks is in the economy. Excuses me for using a Carvin quote, but it will be about the "Economy Stupid". Europe has serious issues with their boomers as they are retiring. They have a hard core socialist retirement plan that is sucking the life out of the EU economy including Britain. If you think we have issues here, imagine having your nest egg in the British program - scrambled and reduced. If I was the Tory leader I would be banging the drum on the coming economic retirement crisis that will soon engulf the Brits. Nothing like a personal economic crisis to put your eye on the ball. Nice to have socialist programs until it breaks you and takes your security away and makes you economically vaunrialble.

A strong military stance and a strong anti-socialist economic position is the way for the Tories to regain the footing that Blair has taken away with a wink and a nod. Problem with the wink and nod strategy, both come home to roost one day and when your party moves further away from the position you planted the flag in, you are ripe for complete defeat. That I think is what will happen if the Tory position is based on the two true Conservative positions: 1) Strong Military and Will To Use It 2) Non-Socialist Economic Solutions.

That's what I say Hugh......................................
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