Tuesday, May 31, 2005

W. Mark Felt Is Deep Throat

The former second-in-command at the FBI W. Mark Felt, admits that he was "Deep Throat".

Felt Admits He Is Deep Throat

This will certainly be the topic of much blogging in the coming weeks but the first thing that popped into my head was obviously, "why did he do it"? Was he an idealist who did it to right the wrongs, was he disgruntled and had an axe to grind, were political gains a driving force? What was the reason he did it?

I found the following info the most interesting on that point so far

Felt's Motive?

It's from 2002 but contains articles from the Washingtonian magazine back in 1974 that speculated that it was Felt and the reason why they thought it might be Felt. Seems that they were right and he did have an axe to grind.

Should be some interesting points and analysis done on the topic for several weeks.
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