Friday, May 13, 2005

St Louis Coverage of Free Press Convention Lacks

Here is a letter to a journalist here in STL at the Post about the article linked below. I know letters don't make much of a difference but I live by the motto "try":
Socialist Media Convention

What a great story line to work with but then, dismal results in the content. Michael, you took the best raw story in STL today and turned into a hack influenced piece that was not interesting and void of the deep exploration it offered. Story potential like this does not come along every day, and you laid a rotten egg on it unfortunately.
The framing of Robert McChesney as a conservative, was well disingenuous at best. It's the most disingenuous frame-up I have seen in years. McChesney may have grown up in a Goldwater conservative home and expressed those views at nine years old, but shortly after that time he became the ultra liberal person that he is today. To try and use him as the conservative bookend in your argument that both liberal and conservative interests would be represented at the Free Press convention attacking the MSM was pitiful. McChesney is a stone cold ultra liberal and has been his entire adult life. He is a MoveOn groupie through and through.
The Free Press convention is "completely" made up of ultra liberal activist who think that people like you, Sylvester, Bill, and Eric the Mink are not liberal enough. As hard as that is to comprehend for moderate mainstream people, it is never the less the case. I had the revelation reading your article that it must be very uncomfortable to be a left of center journalist covering this story, when these extremist truly believe that people as liberal as you and the staff at the Post are not liberal enough. They want you a couple clicks left of where you now sit, to the degree of socialist. I understand that it must be difficult for liberal journalist to have the extreme left in town hampering away at you and the Post for being a conservative rag. Man, that is too strange of a concept to even consider and ponder. I tried but there was no connection. So I will cut you some slack on the article.
These Free Press people are crazy extremist and they want to indoctrinate more crazy extremists. They are devoid of the ability to sit down and discuss or debate opposing views or positions. A newspaper, TV news show, radio program or blog should represent the full spectrum of the story and allow the reader, viewer, or listener to make up their own mind based on the fair and balanced facts offered and their grounding.
The Free Press story is still a good juicy story that you should really dig your teeth into and you could come away with a really great article. You have to cover it in the honest and true form that it presents itself in, but it’s a great story line. Hope the next piece is much better than the opening one. I'm going down on Saturday myself so if you have an interest I'd be happy to met you there and expand on my comments above. You can reach me on my cell at 314-XXX-XXXX. Good writing to you, in the future.

PS: I included Sylvester, Bill and Eric the Mink on my email because I think that they too should cover this story. It’s in our back yard and it deservers several articles in my opinion, as humble as my opinion is.

Steve Priest
314-XXX-XXXX Phone
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