Friday, March 04, 2005

Smoking Up St. Charles Tax Revenue Via Bans

In STL Country the County government is proposing that smoking be banned in all restaurants and public busniness places. I don't think that is a bad thing but the industries that are effected do. I smoke but don't need to in a place that does not allow it.

Restaurants, bars, and especially casinos, do not like the ruling. They feel that they will loose business from the law and it could put them out of business. Well yes they will, you do not need to do a business analysis plan on that one.

Maryland Heights especially has concerns, because if the Harrah's casino is effected by the law, then you can drive about three miles further and go to St. Charles county and go to a casino that is not effected.

I don't gamble but have been to the casinos and would say that about 35-45% are smokers. If you can smoke and gamble without an issue in St. Charles or save 10 minutes and gamble at Harrah's and not be able to smoke, where you going?

St. Charles is about to get a huge cash infusion from their casino taxes..........................
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