Saturday, January 01, 2005

Thanks For The Memories Chris Rix, Now Leave

Florida State won the Gator Bowl today and that was great!!! GO NOLES!!!! Although I now live in St Louis MO I still have my season tickets back at Bowden Stadium. I’m use to winning New Years Bowl Games with my alumni, we understand that we will win in the end. The better story is that Chris Rix played his last set of downs for my alumni. Rix was not up to the task of the storied Florida State history of quarterbacks. Florida State was voted the "Team of the Nineties" because we either won or were playing for the national championship every year or every other. No one was better in the nineties; Florida State became a dynasty during that era and continues to be one of the best programs year in and year out. I love College Football and Love my Noles..........

Under Rix, we never won the big game however and the reason why was he was a Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde. He would make a great play one moment then a total bonehead play the next. I have no problem with a guy trying hard, I admire that, but a guy who makes stupid mistakes over and over just doesn’t get a lot of sympathy from me. I just don't think he was a very smart guy, but I don't know him so can't say for sure. What I can say for sure is that I'm glad he won't be under center any longer. I'm glad for him that he went out on a win, good for him and so long. He was a mutt at Westminster, a square at a circle party, and a rowboat in a power boat race. Just did not have the goods to really be there and deliver.

Ever had a relative that you kind of had a love-hate relationship with and when they finally left the house after a long stay, remember that feeling that they were finally gone and things were going to return to normal.........................
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