Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Mr Bond Your A Racist

Julian Bond of the NAACP said that Rice and Brown are "shields" for a "RACIST" Bush administration. He went on to declare that the media is controlled by a "conservative" movement. Earth to Julian.............your time has passed...............................your blocking African Americans from realizing the "Full Dream".

How out of touch is this black racist? The MSM controlled by the conservative element, are you kidding me? And on the day after the holiday for Dr. King. What a disgrace to say such things about the people who have realized the dream Dr. King had spoken of in his most famous moment "judge me by my content, not the color of my skin". We all should agree on that simple but genious statement.

If I could wish for any person to be reincarnated and come back and help, it would be Dr. King. I think the first thing he would do would be to tell Dr. Crosby, well done, well done and lets get started on the second campaign.

Mr. Bond is tearing his people apart, and sold out the former Director of the NAACP. Mr. Bond must go if the African American interests are to be moved forward as they should be......................Bond equals socialist carpet baggers, Rice equals a future in the realm of Dr. King's vision.

Dr. King is in the top three of the most important and respected Americans in my mind, for those who want to know................
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